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**Definition:**Facebook Events are a way for users to create a dedicated page for a particular occasion and send public or private notifications. Events can be an effective way for online businesses to promote sales, celebrations, or milestones.
Using Facebook, businesses can market upcoming events for much less than a typical promotion. Events are much more cost and time-effective than older mediums such as flyers or ad space. Those mediums also make it difficult to target your audience, which can be tightly controlled on Facebook. An additional advantage of Facebook Events are reminders, which are sent out on the day-of to anyone who clicks Attending.
Facebook Events can also be utilized as virtual notifications for online promotions. This could include sales, coupons, or limited releases.
Facebook Events can be boosted with Promoted Posts. By paying for a Promoted Post, the cost of which depends on how many fans your page has, you can maximize an event's reach.
And what about anyone who's not a fan of your page? You can create a Facebook ad to push your event, targeting it to a specific location, demographic and other customer traits.
It's not enough to create the event: you also have to maintain the proper etiquette when doing so. That means keeping updates and messages to a minimum, otherwise your customers will be flooded with constant notifications. A well-timed update, such as the day before the event, is effective because it will not only remind your audience that the event is about to take place, but it will also help create excitement.
Events should be on-brand from top to bottom. Use a captivating image that prominently displays your logo, and ensure your event description is in keeping with your preferred style and tone. Also, be careful to include all pertinent information, such as a cover charge or dress code.
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