Reach younger shoppers with Snapchat for BigCommerce.

9 out of 10 young people are on Snapchat. Get your products in front of a young, engaged audience with Snapchat for your BigCommerce store.1

Reach new customers with Snapchat for BigCommerce

Put your products in front of an audience with $4.4 trillion in global spending power.2

Achieve sales goals across the funnel

Leverage Snap Pixel and Snapchat’s product catalog integration to drive online store visits, purchases and retargeting campaigns. Plus, measure your results with ease.

Engage with Snapchat’s vibrant, active community

Snapchatters rely on each other when deciding what to buy — they say close friends are 4 times more influential on purchases than celebrities or influencers.3

Seamlessly integrate with your BigCommerce dashboard

Automatically install the Snap Pixel and sync your BigCommerce product catalog to Snapchat without ever leaving your BigCommerce dashboard.

Expand your reach with Snapchat and BigCommerce


BigCommerce partners with the biggest names in omnichannel solutions. Learn more about how Snapchat and other channels can boost your discoverability and drive sales for your brand.

Small Business

With our built-in Channel Manager, BigCommerce makes it easy to add new sales channels like Snapchat to help you reach new customers and increase revenue.

1 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of April 19, 2019. Percentages calculated by dividing addressable reach by relevant census figures. Addressable reach, location, and age data are subject to limitations. See for details.

2 2021 Global Cassandra Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Those with a monthly income N=12,710 respondents. Cumulative total of average by market. Spending power for the Snapchat Generation was calculated as follows: We obtained the average monthly income for each respondent. The sum of any expenses related to rent or mortgage, debt, insurance, medical expenses/healthcare, spending money given to others, and utilities was subtracted from this average monthly income. We then multiplied each respondent’s average monthly discretionary spending by 12 to obtain their average yearly discretionary spending and averaged these results within each country across the Snapchat Generation.

3 Snap Inc. survey of US Snapchat users, June 16–19, 2020. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See for details. Question: “Which of these types of people are most influential on you choosing products to buy or trying something new?”; 787 respondents.