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Localizing Products for Multi-Storefront Stores


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Starting April 12, 2024, Enterprise stores using our Multi-Storefront (MSF) functionality will be able to customize key product fields per storefront, as opposed to using global fields that apply the same product information to all storefronts. These international enhancements will enable merchants to grow their footprint into new regions through offering localized storefront experiences for customers.

Customers around the world shop online in very different ways. Successful global expansion requires building localized experiences, which takes time and money. Many businesses struggle with the decision to spend resources on creating custom storefronts for each region, or to settle with a solution that limits customer personalization.

With the ability to localize certain product fields on Enterprise stores, you can quickly provision regional storefronts with customized product details, giving you direct control over each storefront’s unique merchandising strategy.

Benefits of localization

Unlocking product overrides allows you to create localized product experiences, with the opportunity to feature unique information on each storefront. 

In summary, here are the key benefits of this powerful feature:

  • Sell to new markets faster - Take action on your international expansion plans with a faster way to launch storefronts across the world.

  • Localize shopping experiences - From searching to shopping to checking out, localize your discovery and buying experience across each storefront.

  • Manage the world in one place - Make fast changes and optimizations to your global storefront channels from a single backend. 

  • Simplify expansion and reduce risk - Empower business users to quickly launch, test, and iterate localized storefronts with less investment in custom development work.

Our International Enhancements for Multi-Storefront feature, which has been in closed beta for select merchants and partners, builds on our previous localization features to add greater functionality in creating regional store experiences. By adding storefront-specific product information fields to Enterprise stores as a limited release, we are giving you an opportunity to explore the power of localization on your storefronts for shoppers around the world. 

Local experiences for all of your shoppers

Customize storefront language with a default theme language per storefront, and customized content per storefront across key product fields, the cart and checkout pages, orders, and transactional emails. Build custom widgets per storefront with Page Builder.


Empower your merchandising strategies. Set unique pricing, promotions, and discounts per storefront, and control your SEO strategy across all webpages, categories, and products per storefront.

Localize product details, such as product names, descriptions, variant option display labels, and custom fields. Present your products in a way that’s tailor made for each unique storefront audience without the hassle of maintaining multiple copies of your store catalog.

International Enhancement MSF example

In later releases, we anticipate support for additional features to enhance the multi-storefront localization experience, such as:

  • unique payment configurations for each storefront 

  • setting up shipping zones with shipping methods per storefront

  • assigning tax zones with tax rules per storefront

  • image and variant overrides for products

See our Multi-Storefront documentation in the Knowledge Base for more information on current functionality and additional storefront purchasing and setup.

The final word

Customizing product fields on a storefront level allows you to offer shopping experiences that are specifically tailored to your storefront’s targeted audience. It’s a powerful tool you can leverage to connect and build relationships with shoppers in other regions and audiences, while allowing you to maintain your current catalog management processes with minimal adjustments.  

For more information on setting up localization features on your storefronts, including product overrides, see International Enhancements for Multi-Storefront and Getting Started with Localization on Multi-Storefronts in the Help Center.